Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It has been such a long time since I posted anything I am feeling slightly guilty. I get so frustrated with Dad and Heidi when they don't update and here I am months and months since my last post. So here is my goal- be better at blogging.
I have decided to start exercising again and trying to eat better. It is amazing how when I am stressed all I want to do is eat. Hopefully I can wean myself of this. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. I will keep you posted. As I was jogging down the road yesterday the first time since my Utah trip- Dylan rode his skateboate and Shelby ran with me. Shelby runs like a girl but Shelby runs faster and longer than her fat Mom. It took me 13 minutes to do one mile- Ouch! After the first mile Shelby went in the house and I continued walking down the road. Next thing I know Dylan shows up on his skateboard and is carrying me a glass of ice water- straw and all. Soooo nice. So hopefully with the kid's support I can keep this up!


Russ Steele said...


Heidi said...

love it! glad to see you blogging again.