What a week!
Kristen stayed with us for a couple of nights and brought- World Tour for the Wii. I strongly reccomend this for Dad- the Grandkids would be there all the time. Cal even showed up after all the Lake Butler kids left. Heidi might have it- now that I think about it.
Right now I am at FETC. The session I just attended said that the fastest gaming population rigth now is 50 and over!!! Go Dad. It seems like you have more time to play. It is also a great way to keep in contact with kids and Grandkids. I know Cal and Dylan cam play and talk to each other with the XBox 360. Dylan really gets into this. His favorite is of course Call of Duty but he has a basketball game that he would love to play with Grandpa!
we have rock band for the xbox. Right now we are both addicted to Dr Mario for the Wii. We will play for HOURS. You should get it, it's a 10$ download from the wii store and totally worth the $10 we also downloaded tetris for the wii and you can use the wii balance board to move your pieces around,- it's a fun little work out. Hope you are having fun!
Todd and I need to try that, we played Rock Band with Heidi and Jeremy, but we haven't tried that one on the Wii. You guys need to try Shaun White Snowboarding, that is our new favorite, you Snowboard on the Wii balance board it is way fun!
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