I have decided to write on my blog at least once a week- even if I have nothing to say....
So here it is....
Today at work Jeni and I were getting ready to go to lunch and I was looking at our Christmas decorations that Sonya had put up in the office. There was this stuffed moose. Well, I thought... I wonder what he does..... so I went up to him and pushed this shiny button on his neck.... Next thing I know the moose has fallen to the ground and pulled the fire alarm bell with it. (It was under the moose head). Whew- it didn't go off..... But the alarm had flipped down so, I gently pushed it up and you guessed it- the alarm went off. We had to call the custodians and they had to rush over to shut it off, the the maintenance man had to come to reset the alarm- Embaressing! Yes- at 40 I finally pulled the fire alarm. Always wondered what it would feel like!
Here are some pictures of Matt's last fishing trip
Principals really frown on people who pull the fire alarm. So does the fire department. I got in trouble one time for not pulling it. Someone burned their pop corn while popping it in the faculty room. The smell went through out the building. When the fire marshall's son got home from school he told his dad that he could smell a fire in building and wen never called it in. He came right over and was more than unhappy.
We had a fire alarm at my ofice today to. I was surprised that no body was in too big of hurry to get out of the building. I love the pictures
Cin, we know the truth - you did it on purpose, you've always wanted to!
I took that moose and added fresh batteries to see what he does that got me into so much trouble- nothing- he is a dud!
Life goes on!
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