Sunday, May 25, 2008


Tonight was Cal's baccalaurette. This is a Southern thing where you have a religious meeting before graduation. It was long... but good. Looking forward to having Mom and Dad here on Friday!

Love you all!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Matt took Dylan and Josh fishing this morning.

They had a great time. As you can see Josh got the biggest fish!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

How To Play This Game of Tag:

Post these rules on your blog.
List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.

Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

3 Joys
1. My family- Yes this is the standard answer here- but I am soooo thankfuk for my kids and Matt.
2. Diet Coke with crushed ice. I am my Mother's Daughter
3. Sleeping in- Yes, I still wish I was a teenager- What does this say about me?

1. My kids away from the house late at night and the phone rings
2. Getting even fatter than I am
3. Money- always giving me stress

1. Be a better Mom
2. Have a cleaner house
3. Learn to love working in the yard

1. Getting through the day-
2. Eating all the time- Why am I always hungry
3. Blowing crickets off the porches ( We have been invaded by crickets this year- Thank heaven for the blower)

Random Surprising Facts
1. I am hooked on One Tree Hill. Every Monday, Cal, Shelby, Dylan and I are glued to the TV.
2. I have tomatoes, potatoes, sugar cane,corn, ocra, beans, squash, watermelon and a couple of flowers growing in my yard right now.
3. I usually get about 8 eggs a day from my chickens- That is a lot of omlets, french toast, breakfast casseroles, etc.,

I tag Robin, Russ, Dad. Becasue they are the only bloggers that I know-
Sorry guys you can blame Heidi!