Go Gators!
Cal was chosen to throw out the first pitch at the Gator vs. LSU game the other night. They chose him for the great things he has been doing at Verizon. I was super excited to go even with the drip drops of rain falling on the car as I zoomed to Gainesville. We met at his work and everyone was giving him a hard time about not embarrassing the store when he threw the pitch. We discussed if he should wear the Go-Pro and what kind of a pitch he would throw. We even made a quick stop at a local Gator shop and bought a cool hat. His friend Daniel met us at the Gator store and we were off. Drip, drop, drip drop. Quick change out of the work clothes in the parking lot at the field and we were ready. We got our special tickets, met the guy that would take care of us, and I got sent back to the car because umbrellas weren't allowed. Once inside we got a souvenir cup, nachos, popcorn and took a seat. Drip, drip, drip, drop, drop, drop. No big deal right? I won't melt. Time to go out on the field. We all got to go under the bleachers to watch the big throw. Two more steps until.... lightning- REALLY? Game cancelled. No first pitch.
But, I did get this great picture!
Love you Cal!
Forsyth Family Fun
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Thursday, April 3, 2014
The Big 21!
It is so hard to believe that my little girl is 21 today!
It seems like just yesterday I was bringing her home from Brigham City Hospital.
When I look back over these years I realize how blessed I am for being a part of her life.
So many times in life we meet people that we admire. I admire Shelby. She has always been such a positive example to me and how I should be. Is she perfect? No she still whines a little and worries about money way to much- but she is mine! I love so many things about her- her brutal honesty, her thoughtfulness, her laugh. I love how she has the gift of teaching. What a blessing she will be in those little ones lives next year. I love her excitement about teaching. On this day of birth for my only daughter, I am so glad that the Lord saw fit to send me a girl. I never could curl or braid her hair quite right, I never taught her how to sew- but somehow the Lord knew what he was doing. He has made me a better person for being her Mother. I love you my girl!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
It is Sunday afternoon and I am trying to motivate myself to get healthy. I had a great Sunday afternoon nap and then woke up to make cookies. I ate about one cup of raw cookie dough- just enough to make myself start to feel sick and guzzled it all down with a big Diet Coke. So, before I totally gave up and laid back down I put on my head phones and 'From Couch to 5K' App and ran down the road. So, how do you get in shape? How do you stay motivated from day to day to eat better and lose the weight? I am going to try and maybe by writing it down I will do better. Everyone cross your fingers.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Living in Florida you see all kinds of bugs. I am OK with roaches, black widows, ear wigs, silverfish- you name it I am OK as long as they stay on their side of the room and I stay on mine. If they come near I have no problem with smashing them. So, the other day I pick up Dylan from school and he is playing with the back of his head. I ask what is wrong but he won't say. He just keeps trying to take a picture of the back of his head with his phone. Needless to say by the time we were halfway down Branford Highway he comes clean- that he has a huge tick in the back of his head. I stay calm and let him know that Dad can get it out when we get home- that is the kind of things that Dads do right? Oh no, he says- Dad will not be touching his head. (They had an agrument the night before). So, I do the next bext thing- call the Doctor. She gets on the phone and I ask if I can just bring him buy to get the tick out. Oh no, she says that I can do it- I tell her- have you seen the size of it? She gives me a few tips and home we go. Needless to say the trick was dish soap and tweezers. I pulled out about 15 hairs along with it- but out he came. Dylan decided to burn it. So he lights the tick in the house on a paper towel. The rest is history- paper towel on fire- Dylan running through the house trying to get out the buring fire in his hand- ashes everwhere- but whew tick gone- and I only used one bad word through the entire thing! YAY Mom!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
It has been such a long time since I posted anything I am feeling slightly guilty. I get so frustrated with Dad and Heidi when they don't update and here I am months and months since my last post. So here is my goal- be better at blogging.
I have decided to start exercising again and trying to eat better. It is amazing how when I am stressed all I want to do is eat. Hopefully I can wean myself of this. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. I will keep you posted. As I was jogging down the road yesterday the first time since my Utah trip- Dylan rode his skateboate and Shelby ran with me. Shelby runs like a girl but Shelby runs faster and longer than her fat Mom. It took me 13 minutes to do one mile- Ouch! After the first mile Shelby went in the house and I continued walking down the road. Next thing I know Dylan shows up on his skateboard and is carrying me a glass of ice water- straw and all. Soooo nice. So hopefully with the kid's support I can keep this up!
I have decided to start exercising again and trying to eat better. It is amazing how when I am stressed all I want to do is eat. Hopefully I can wean myself of this. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. I will keep you posted. As I was jogging down the road yesterday the first time since my Utah trip- Dylan rode his skateboate and Shelby ran with me. Shelby runs like a girl but Shelby runs faster and longer than her fat Mom. It took me 13 minutes to do one mile- Ouch! After the first mile Shelby went in the house and I continued walking down the road. Next thing I know Dylan shows up on his skateboard and is carrying me a glass of ice water- straw and all. Soooo nice. So hopefully with the kid's support I can keep this up!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
We are trying real hard to do things as a family once a week. We are realzing that our numbers will be going down in numbers and eventually it will be just Matt and I- so we are focusing on Forsyth Family Fun! This last week we decided to try our bowling. I remember last time we went- I was the big winner. For me to beat Matt in anything I need to remember- So I bragged a little at the dinner table. Well, when we got to the bowling alley Matt started out like a bowling pro. His ball had spin, his form was perfect- and yes- he won the first game- all right EVERY game. But- in the middle of it all he went out on the lane for a beautiful roll and ended up stepping on the lane where the ball rolls. Just a tiny step mind you, but enough to make him lose his balance and fall no fly- onto his belly. He could have caught himself- but with is back he let it all fall down- gavity. Anyway- the guy in the lane next to us- said he didn't know Superman was at the bowling alley tonight. I laughed until I cried. It was great. I am not sure what Cody thought of all of us- but he has come back over since- so I guess we did not scare him away. : >
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Favorite thing about the wedding last night- beautiful wedding dress- they had gone to the Orlando temple and she looked so beautiful. The kids Shelby and I stole made it pretty sweet also!
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